Solve the Summer Pop Problem

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Summer is pretty much here! Time to relax, enjoy and have fun! This is also a time when we all might get caught up in consuming more sugary drinks than usual. Drinking 3 or more glasses of pop or soda daily leads to more tooth decay, fillings, and even tooth loss.


With school off for the summer, it’s a great time to learn more about the effects of pop on teeth. This video demonstrates a simple experiment and discusses the impact of the results. You can quickly and easily do this at home and offer a teachable moment about backing off on sugary drinks.

Get Packing

Be prepared, pack your water bottle and bring it with you on your summer adventures.
During the school year, many of us have the habit of taking our water bottle to work and school but don’t think of it as much in the summer months. Keeping a pitcher of water with cucumber or lemon slices in the fridge adds flavor and fun without the added sugar. Making ice cubes with edible flowers or herbs, like mint, increases the fun factor too.

Your family might enjoy making up custom flavor combinations. These little tricks will help everyone reach for the water instead of the pop and may help serve as a reminder to take your special “designer” water as you head out for summer fun!

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