Seasonal Allergies & Your Dental Health

seasonal allergies, oral health, dental health, family dentist, Rochester Hills, mi

It’s been a tough allergy season so far this year. Beautiful weather is here but the congestion, itchy eyes, and runny nose caused by seasonal allergies are too! We know that budding trees, blooming flowers, and other irritants in the air can overwhelm our respiratory system but did you know they can also affect your dental health?

Tips to Keep Your Teeth & Mouth Healthy

Take these steps to help alleviate the effects seasonal allergies and also asthma can have on your oral and dental health:

  • Stay Hydrated – Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated to help support your body’s natural production of saliva. Allergies can cause dry mouth due to certain medications used to alleviate these conditions such as nasal decongestants and inhalers. Also, when airways get restricted, you are more apt to breathe through your mouth. As saliva is a natural way to help your body wash away harmful bacteria when your mouth is dry these cavity-causing bacteria linger and multiply. Asthma sufferers who use inhalers can also run the risk of throat irritation.
  • Choose Your Drinks Wisely – Be mindful of enjoying too many sugary drinks and cool sweet treats as the weather warms up. By avoiding cavity-causers in general, you help support your dental health.
  • Proactively Manage Your Allergy & Asthma – Effectively treating your allergies can help support better respiratory health and limit the need to breathe through your mouth, avoiding drying out your mouth.
  • Rinse – If you use an inhaler, rinse your mouth with water after use.
  • Maintain Good Dental Health – Keep your regularly scheduled dental appointments and brush and floss, as usual, to keep plaque at bay.

If you have questions about your dental health related to allergies and asthma or are ready to schedule your next dental appointment, call our office today at (248) 852-3130.

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