No Butts About It, Don’t Smoke

smoking, teeth, dentist, rochester hills

The smell of smoke on your clothes and hair. Tobacco-stained teeth. The expense tied to the cost of purchasing cigarettes. Outside of the aesthetic, cosmetic and even financial reasons to not smoke, there are so many effects on your overall health.

Tooth Discoloration

Discolored, yellow teeth are a direct result of smoking. Stained teeth can be addressed with tooth whitening treatments or veneers but at the smoker’s expense.


Smoker’s breath. Tar and nicotine from cigarettes settles in your oral cavity, resulting in halitosis. Smoking can also cause Xerostomia, or dry mouth, a condition where little or no saliva is created in your mouth. This lack of saliva affects the bodies natural ability to break down food, swallow and cleanse your mouth of the acids and bacteria that attack your teeth.


The amount of dental plaque is greater in individuals who smoke. The more you smoke, the more dental plaque you will have and the harder it will be to remove AND the greater your chances of experiencing tooth decay.

Gum Disease

Smoking weakens the attachment of bone and gums to your teeth, interfering with the function of gum tissue cells. As a result, smokers are more prone to infections such as periodontal disease. Advanced states of this disease leads to bone deterioration and tooth loss.

Oral Cancer

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Smokers are six times more likely than non-smokers to develop cancer of the mouth, lips, tongue, cheeks, sinuses and throat. According to the American Cancer Society, it is estimated that over 40,000 people in the US received a diagnosis of oral cancer in 2014.

If you currently smoke, remember it is never too late to quit. During your next appointment, we can evaluate your current dental health, complete an oral cancer exam, determine necessary treatments for any existing damage and suggest options to move forward, nicotine-free.

About Gregory Mansour
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