Although vacations may look a little different this summer and maybe closer to home, it doesn’t mean an overnight at Grandma’s or a night out camping under the stars isn’t in the cards this year. Whenever we change our routine, it’s important to not forget our good dental habits in the process.
Pack the Snacks
Portable snacks don’t have to equal chips, gummy candy, or sugary juices. Sticky, sweet treats can get stuck to teeth and salty chips are also not the best choice as starchy treats break down into sugar that can stick in your teeth and promote tooth decay. It’s just as easy to pack nuts, fresh fruit and veggies that travel well like carrots, bananas, and apples, to name a few. Get some more ideas for healthy snacking here. Washing it all down with water is best until you are able to brush your teeth.
Pack the Gear
Making sure to pack your toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss is a must for any vacation, near or far. Pack them in a separate container to keep them clean and fresh and you can continue your good habits no matter where you are. If all else fails and you forget your items at home, make it a priority to visit a local store to pick up what you need to care for your teeth.
Going on vacation doesn’t have to mean a holiday from good dental habits. Just a bit of thought and preparation can go a long way in keeping on track with your health routines.