Celebrate World Smile Day & Share Kindness

world smile day, family dentist, acts of kindness

Smiles are big news around here so this holiday is pretty much one of our favorites! World Smile Day is celebrated every year on the first Friday in October. Take a minute to learn more about how this cheerful day got started and you just might want to do your part to bring a smile to someone else’s face!

Smiley Faces for All

The now iconic smiley face was created by commercial artist Harvey Ball from Worcester, Massachusetts in 1963. It has long been associated with good will and good cheer. Over the years, Ball felt that the symbol that he saw as being free from any political, geographical, and religious connections was potentially losing its original meaning and intent due to over-commercialization. So he thought of an idea to devote the first Friday in October each year to smiles and kind acts all over the world, a day to be called World Smile Day. In 2001, the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation was created after his passing to continue his good work.

world smile day, Harvey Ball

Share a Smile

Join us in celebrating this day to “Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile”! It’s really quite simple and can go a long way in spreading some good will in our world. And we can all always use a little bit more of that.

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